Experience(Yrs) : 6
your satisfaction is our motto!
services rendered • the firm has identified the following critical parameters for an organization’s success, which range from optimum utilization of resources to legal compliance s. based on the diverse requirements of business, the firm is in a position to provide the following services to enable the organizations meet their objectives: - i) business start-ups ? formation of a legal entity : • company- rs 9,999/- only • llp-rs 6,999/- only • partnership firms- rs 4,999/- only • any other entity-@ reasonable prices ? legal drafting. ? business advisory. ii) audits: ? tax audits. ? internal & statutory audits of indian companies & foreign companies having operations in india. ? stock & book debt audits. ? investigations & special audits as required by the management. ? fixed assets verification etc iii) taxation: ? tax planning & filing of returns for all entities viz., individuals, huf's, firms, companies, and trusts etc. ? income tax consultancy work including guidance for transfer pricing. ? indirect tax advisory services & gstr filings(including gstr 9 & 9c – annual returns) ? representing clients before tax authorities. iv) company law matters : ? incorporation of company. ? consultancy on company law matters. ? planning for mergers, acquisitions, de-mergers, and corporate re-organizations. ? filing of annual returns and various forms, documents. ? secretarial matters including share transfers. ? change of name, objects, registered office, etc v) fund raising: financing is necessary at every stage of a business life cycle. we builds detailed forecast models and advises on ideal & minimum size of funding required for the business, based on multiple sensitivity scenarios. we leverage on its experience in negotiating with all parties involved, to bargain the best deal for its client company and its promoters. ? preparation bank loan application ? preparation of project report ? preparation of cma data ? working capital ? term loan
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